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150 new Barça fans took part in the second online presentation of Sí al futur and Víctor Font

23 May 2020
150 new Barça fans took part in the second online presentation of Sí al futur and Víctor Font

Last night, the 150 Barça supporters who had booked a place followed the second online presentation of Sí al futur [‘Yes to the Future’ in Catalan], the project led by Víctor Font, an initiative which aims to offer a new proposal to FC Barcelona members for the next elections for the Club’s presidency. After the great response of the first online meeting, which had taken place on May 8th, yesterday 150 more Barcelona supporters took part again in a new presentation.

At the beginning, Víctor Font outlined the main points of the project in a conversation with journalist Antoni Bassas, who guided and moderated the event. Afterwards, for almost an hour all attendees were able to ask about different aspects of the sports, economic or social project put forward by Sí al futur.

For example, a user named Tomàs asked whether Espai Barça would go ahead or not when Sí al futur won the elections scheduled for the summer of 2021. Víctor Font lamented once again the lack of transparency of the Club’s Board when explaining the exact situation of the project. "Espai Barça was a necessity in 2014, when the referendum was held. It is now an emergency, but it cannot jeopardize the Club's economic viability or its ability to compete”. Xavier Boixeda, another of the attendees, asked about the ability to generate new income, Albert Buyé, for the chances of success of the candidacy and Francesc Beired asked about the idea of the project for ‘Penyes’, among others issues.

Mass media such as El Nacional have echoed the meeting:  “Font descarta una candidatura conjunta amb Laporta i es mulla sobre el procés”

Do you want to participate in the next telematic meeting?

After the great response, Sí al futur is ready for a new online meeting with Víctor Font. It will be on Friday, June 5, at 7 pm, also via Zoom, conducted by Antoni Bassas. If you know of Barcelona fans, especially members, who might be keen to take part in it, ask them to sign up on this link.

Places are limited, and the invitation is personal and non-transferable. FC Barcelona members will enjoy priority registration. The meeting will be held in Catalan, although it is expected that one in Spanish will be held soon.